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Shutting Down The Tracker

  1. Improper Shutdown Note

    If your tracker is not shutdown properly, your tracker's database can become corrupted and certain data (such as the number of completed downloads) will be lost. Be sure to shutdown your tracker before restarting your system.

  2. Console Mode

    If you are running BNBT in a console window, you can safely shutdown your tracker by pressing CTRL+C when the console window is the active application. Your tracker will wait for all open connections to be closed and will then shutdown.

  3. Admin Control Panel

    You can also shutdown your tracker by pressing the button found on the Admin CP.

    Your tracker will wait for all open connections to be closed and will then shutdown.

  4. System Service

    If you are running BNBT as a Windows System Service, it is not necessary for you to shutdown your tracker before restarting your system. It will automatically be shutdown safely. If you wish to manually shutdown your tracker safely when it is running as a system service, you can use the Admin CP as mentioned above.

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