By default, BNBT EasyTracker is configured to allow Guests
the following permissions:
Register For a User Account
Download Torrent Files
By default, BNBT EasyTracker will assign the following permissions
to users that register for an account:
Download Torrent Files
Post User Comments
Upload Torrent Files
PLEASE NOTE: By default, users that register and are logged
in will not have the ability to register an additional account.
Access Levels Explained
The default access levels can be changed by modifying the
following configuration keys in the tracker's configuration file
bnbt_guest_access (default value = 3)
bnbt_member_access (default value = 15)
Windows users can use the Configuration Frontend to modify these
values. They can be found in Number Options are are called
Guest and Member Access.
These values use a bitfield to determine the level of access.
To calculate a particular access level, add the bits for each
permission together.
access level
user type
For Instance: If you wanted to allow registered users to ONLY
download torrents and post comments, you would set the default
member access level to 7 ( 1 + 2 + 4 ).
PLEASE NOTE: If you modify the default member access level, AFTER
users have already registered for an account, pre-exiting user
permissions will NOT be affected. The change will only affect
new user registrations. It is therefore important to set this
value before your tracker becomes operational. Permissions,
however, can always be modified on a per-user basis.
Creating an Account Manually
Alternatively, or in addition to users registering themselves,
you can create user accounts manually.
To create a user account, press the
button in the
Navigation Bar.
Enter the user's username, password and email address into the
corresponding form fields.
Press the button that corresponds with the access level you wish
to assign to the user or select specific permission checkboxes
on the left.
Press the button.
PLEASE NOTE: Moderators have the ability to delete torrents and
modify torrent information (name, uploader, infolink, category).
Running a Tracker Without User Accounts
NOTE: It is not possible to completely disable the user database for
your tracker, because certain functions rely on there being at
least one user with an administrative access level.
If you wish, however, you can make it seem that your tracker
does not support user accounts.
To make it appear that your tracker does not support user accounts:
Set the default Guest access level to allow everyone
the same access. This value depends on what you want to allow.
PLEASE NOTE: If you allow Guests to upload torrents, they will
not be able to delete their own torrents.
If you are using the Navigation Bar, you can disable/hide
the Login button by adding the following code to your
input.login { display:none; }
If you are NOT using the Navigation Bar, you can disable/hide
the you are logged in as and you are not logged in
messages by adding the following code to your stylesheet:
p.login1_x, p.login2_x { display:none; }
... where x is the name of the tracker page. You will
need to specify the display style for each of them: index,
login, stats, info, upload, admin, users.
You should also get rid of any links to /login.html if you
are NOT using the Navigation Bar.
PLEASE NOTE: When you hide the login button or links to
/login.html, you will need to manually enter the location
of login.html for you to login and administer your tracker.